Pride month and my involvement with Regenbogenbildung

Pride month and my involvement with Regenbogenbildung

Since the beginning, I was aiming to direct my volunteering efforts and possibly the future, towards working on the improvements of the situation of the LGBT+ community. Recently, I have joined the local LGBTQUIAP initiative called Regenbogenbildung. They are the...
Elections countdown: political debates with a little twist

Elections countdown: political debates with a little twist

The last week was crazy! Three different debates, in different places. And not only debates, different things as well. Trust me, if someone invented a teleport, I would gladly use it that week. Maybe add one more debate. Just for fun. 😂 But first things first, lets...
Jugend Forum

Jugend Forum

„Demokratie leben is a funding programme of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.“  In November I become a member of a Youth Forum. You might be wondering what it is. Youth Forum is a meeting where ideas and views on a particular...
Midterm training in Benediktbeuern

Midterm training in Benediktbeuern

„Not only the landscape, but also the people made the whole week a great experience.“ On Sunday I came back from my second seminar. This one was hosted in Benediktbeuern – a small city one hour by train from Münich. The place was quite different from the one I visited...
Youth Leadership training – Juleica

Youth Leadership training – Juleica

„The community was very pleasant and we had a lot of fun together.“  Until October I had very limited friend group. I tried getting engaged with the local LGBTQUIA+ organisation called IHS which stands for Initiativgruppe Homosexualität. I joined the Gendernauts – a...